Customer Engagement Transformation for Broadcast, Broadband and Telecom Service Providers

Innovating for Success

London, UK - Thursday 15th November 2018


This complimentary event is invitation only. Seats are limited and for Broadcasters, Media Companies and Communication Service Providers only.

With digital having provided a huge shake up of the media and telecoms sectors, it is critical that organisations focus on customer needs as expectations continue to change. Customer demands are increasing rapidly, and companies need to transform to drive their businesses forward and remain competitive in a marketplace increasingly defined by digital interaction, customer experience, responsiveness and personalisation.

This summit will present varied case studies showcasing how broadcasters and operators are stepping up to the new market realities.

The workshop will be an exciting mixture of discussions with your peers and feature executive speakers to discuss how broadcasters and service providers are working to deploy strategies to increase engagement, build trust and monetise customer relationships.

Digitalisation and automation have many uncertain of what the future of customer experience will look like, the strong foundations of an agile customer experience strategy need to be built now to weather the changes of customer habits. We know that each customer base is unique, and ever-changing customer expectations are making it increasingly difficult to meet and exceed the expectations of customers.

How Does the Summit Work?

Delegates will come together to learn how you can successfully transform your business to deliver for your customers. The summit will do this by addressing several of the hottest topics around service provider innovation.

The summit will be highly interactive featuring presentations, table discussions, case studies and panel discussions. Each topic addressed will have actionable outcomes that the delegate can take away and implement in their business to help them develop strategies to make them more competitive.

All information shared during the session will take place under the Chatham House Rule, that is to say anything disclosed in the room is non-attributable.

The summit runs from 9.00am until 1.00pm followed by a 3-course seated networking lunch.


The audience profile for this summit is Customer & Marketing Leads from Broadcasters, Media Companies and Communication Service Providers:

  • C Level
  • Managing Directors
  • Heads/Directors of :
    • Digital Transformation
    • Marketing/Digital Marketing/Customer Acquisition/Customer Intelligence
    • Customer Engagement/Customer Experience/Customer Innovation/Customer Strategy


Home House
20 Portman Square
London, W1H 6LW

Home House London

Home House is London’s most exclusive private members’ club. Occupying a terrace of Georgian townhouses in elegant Portman Square in the heart of London, members and guests enjoy the splendour of 18th Century architecture and the opulence of neo-classical design in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere; it’s a true Home from Home. The House is a veritable ‘Pleasure Palace’ with restaurants, bars, decadent party rooms, an intimate garden, gym, spa, elegant bedrooms and suites.


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Thursday 15th November 2018

8.00 Registration and Refreshments

introduction We’re on the cusp of the next big leap in the development of the digital world. 5G isn’t just another mobile upgrade – it’s a massive step forward combining many advanced network and computing technologies to create the platform on which the digital economy will run.  It’s a world of virtualisation, artificial intelligence, rapidly evolving services and major market shifts.  If delivering an excellent customer experience was a big challenge in the past, the future will stress our creativity to the limits. What better time to discuss, share and learn about customer experience transformation.
Keith Willetts, Founder and Former Chairman, TM Forum and Member, UK5G Advisory Board


Case Study Surviving and Thriving in an On-Demand, Digital World

  • - Connecting to the viewer in a multi-platform, multi-device world
  • - User expectations have changed with digital platforms
  • - Business and operational strategies are changing
  • - Customer experience is becoming an increasingly important competitive tool
Simon Michaelides, Chief Commercial Officer, UKTV
Download Presentation (.PDF)

Case Study Creating a Culture of Innovation to Drive the Customer Experience

  • - Innovation and the role of industry collaboration
  • - Offering innovative solutions to Telefonica’s customers
  • - Making things better for customers
Gary Stewart, Country Manager, Wayra UK, Telefonica
Download Presentation (.PDF)

WorkshopMeeting the Customer Experience Challenge of a ‘5G’ World
The workshop will focus on generating practical ideas and suggestions for delivering customer service excellence in a world where service lifecycles are rapidly contracting, market models rapidly changing and ‘things’ are quickly outnumbering people as ‘users’.

Discussions areas:

  • - What roles can AI play in delivering customer service excellence
  • - Service delivery will be an ever more complex layer cake of different providers – how can a seamless experience be delivered at an economic cost?
  • - How does the concept of customer experience need to develop when service ‘users’ are other software systems, not people?
11.20 Networking Refreshment Break

Pathways to a Native Grade Digital Business

  • - Common themes
  • - The realities of becoming fully digital
  • - Key considerations
  • - Critical success factors
Hagay M. Climor, Regional Vice President, EMEA, Oracle Communications
Download Presentation (.PDF)

Case Study Transformation, Automation and Convergence

  • - Digitalisation and automation
  • - Strategic innovations
  • - Convergence and capabilities

Dave Salam, Executive Director, Mobile Networks, BT

12.45 Closing RemarkS
15.00 Close of Summit